Thursday, September 18, 2008


I never thought that I would have a child that would be into Nascar, but of course I do now!! Cooper is very into Nascar these days and loves to watch the races on TV. He knows a ton of the drivers and we have a ton of their cars. He knows what company sponsors the car and everything! So driving down the road today we saw a real race car sitting in the grass in front of a store so I pulled over and took his pic with the car. He wanted to get in and drive it! So here is my big guy by the race car!


Stephanie Perdue said...

How funny!

thejae said...

These are SO COOL!!! Coop, I thought I'd get to see your Nascar bandaid too in the Disney on Ice pics! What a fun outing! You make a great Nascar fan! A couple of weeks ago, I saw a Nascar being hauled down the road on the back of a struck me as odd. I never thought about how they got TO the race track...I guess I thought they just drove the cars from race to race...! :)

Y'all are awesome! Give my sister a hug from me next time you see her! I love you guys so much!

Hugs, Aunt Julie :) xoxoxoxxxx