Friday, January 22, 2010


Here are a few thoughts about why I am so ready and excited for Monday...
* We will finally know who is going to join our family in June
*  I will know how to pray for this sweet child and call them by name
* We can get the boys prepared for their new sibling
*  I can finally start buying things for the nursery  

I am so excited about seeing our sweet baby!! We have a basketball game and a birthday party to go to on Saturday then Revival starts at church on Sunday so I am praying the days go fast!!!

Sorry all my posts lately have been about this baby but I look forward to this day for months!!


Ben and Audrey said...

i love that all your posts are about this baby & monday!! its so fun to read & it makes me so excited for you & your family!

i can't wait for you to find out what you are having!! i know that either way, you will be a great mom & this baby will be an awesome addition to your family!!!

i'm counting down with you!!!!

Ashley Fisher :) said...

Love the new look of your blog!

Mystories said...

Having a new baby is such an exciting time. I remember all to well the anticipation for myself and my new babies sister. I wrote about it my book you may want to check it out to help prepare your children.

Best wishes and good luck.
Katherine Buerger-Smith