Friday, January 27, 2012


We were invited again to go to Coop's school to see him receive yet another award. The second nine weeks awards were exciting. Colton and Caden get so excited watching Cooper go up on stage to get his awards. Jon and I are so proud of him and his accomplishments.

This time he got Principal's list again, all A's on his report card. And an added bonus he received the Best Behavior award as well!! He was just beaming up there holding his awards.

Pics to come they won't load right now.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Teeth Guard

Here is a conversation from the other night between Jon and Coop. 

Coop - Oh, I think I have a cracker in my pocket. (it's like 5:30pm)
Jon - From lunch at school? 
Coop - Yes, looking at him like why not? 
Jon - Ummm...why do you have a cracker in your pocket? 
Coop - In case we played football at recess.
Jon - Why do you need a cracker in your pocket to play football at recess? 
Coop - To protect my teeth! Seriously Dad? 
Jon - Oh like a mouth guard? 
Coop - Yes 

I chime in and ask, What happens if you bite it? 
Cooper says...I guess I'll just eat it! 

Crazy kiddo!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

Cooper is just like me in his love for dogs. When we got Fenway I knew that they would be buds.  They both get so excited every afternoon when they are reunited after Coop gets home from school. This is a pic of them headed to my parents on Christmas Eve. So sweet!!

Silly Boys

I am going to try and play some catch up. This was one day in the fall. We woke up and this is what Colton looked like. Coop was trying to write Phillipians on his face like Tim Tebow does...hahaha. Thankfully it washed right off and wasn't written with anything permanent.